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Honor Code Policy:

Your honor cannot be taken from you; you can only give it up voluntarily yourself.

Your work on homework, exams, and all submitted material, is governed by the Union College Honor Code. This means that the faculty at Union trust you to perform your work within the parameters that they have specified; thus they will not impose cumbersome security measures to force you to do your work properly, but it also means that the responsibility falls to you to work honorably and not break that trust. It should be an honor to fullfil the principles of academic honesty, and your signature on the honor affirmation indicates that you have acted in accord with those principles. I take this very seriously, and you should as well.

You will be asked to sign the honor statement on all homework and exams in this course. You can use the short-hand version

I affirm that I have carried out my academic endeavors with full academic honesty.
followed by your signature. I will have this printed on all exams, and you should include it on any work that you submit, even if I haven't written it out explicitly.

The exams are closed-book, unless otherwise indicated. This means you may not consult your notes, the textbook, the internet, your phone, other students, your parents, or any other resource other than your brain. While I may not be able to prevent you from using these, it is your personal honor that is at stake if you choose not to follow the rules and sign the affirmation anyway. I hope that you will not lightly compromise something of that importance. Your honor cannot be taken from you; you can only give it up vountarily yourself.

[HOME] Math 53 (Fall 2022) web pages
Created: 02 Sep 2022
Last modified: 03 Sep 2022 11:52:00
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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