Union College Mathematics Conference

Saturday and Sunday, December 3 - 4, 2016

Schenectady, New York

Featured Speakers:

Concurrent Sessions in:

Conference Schedule

There will be a reception with light refreshments on Friday night from 7:30pm - 9pm in Bailey 204 (directions and parking maps can be found
here). Talks will begin on Saturday and continue on Sunday, ending in the late afternoon. There will also be a reception with light refreshments on Saturday night.

Note: On Friday, December 2nd, at 3:00pm, the Algebra/Topology Seminar at the University at Albany will be hosting a talk by David Gepner titled "On Localization Sequences and Algebraic K-Theory." More information can be found here.


There will be a registration fee as follows: Please register using our registration form

Contributed Talks

Abstracts for all talks can be found here.

A schedule of all talks is available here (pdf).


Algebraic Topology:

Applied Topology:

Category Theory:

Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis:

Number Theory:


Block rates are available at the following hotels if reserved by November 2, 2016:

Directions and Travel to Union College

Union College is centrally located in New York's Capital District about 10 miles from the Albany International Airport, easily accessible by train from NYC, and just 3 to 4 hours by car from NYC, Boston, and Montreal. Here is a campus map, which indicates several parking lots. Registration and the main sessions will be held in Bailey Hall, building 37 on the map. The plenary talks will be held in the Olin Center, building 44. Google maps link to Bailey Hall.