I am an associate professor of mathematics at Union College in Schenectady, NY. My research interests are in number theory; in particular, I study Iwasawa theory and p-adic Galois representations associated to modular forms.
When I'm not doing math, I'm usually bouldering, watching Philadelphia sports teams, or spending time with my llamas, chickens, and ducks.
(Note that preprints may differ from the final published
My Google Scholar Profile
Iwasawa theory and ranks of elliptic curves in quadratic twist families (with
Anwesh Ray), preprint.
Elliptic curves of conductor 2mp, quadratic twists, and Watkins's conjecture (with
Debanjana Kundu), preprint.
On a conjecture of Mazur predicting the growth of Mordell—Weil ranks in Zp-extensions (with
Rylan Gajek-Leonard,
Debanjana Kundu, and
Antonio Lei), to appear in
Mathematical Research Letters.
Statistics for anticyclotomic Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves (with
Debanjana Kundu and
Anwesh Ray),
Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 307, No. 49 (2024).
λ-invariant stability in families of modular Galois representations (with
Debanjana Kundu),
Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 33 (2023).
Polynomials in Fp[x] which commute under composition (with Mayah Teplitskiy),
PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol. 6 (2023), 102-114.
The vanishing of anticyclotomic µ-invariants for non-ordinary modular forms (with
Antonio Lei),
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Vol. 361 (2023), 65--72.
Control theorems for fine Selmer groups, and duality of fine Selmer groups attached to modular forms (with
Debanjana Kundu,
Antonio Lei, and
Jishnu Ray),
The Ramanujan Journal, Vol. 60 (2023), 237-258.
Two infinite families of elliptic curves with rank greater than one (with Jason Stack),
Integers, Vol. 22 (2022), #A1.
Λ-submodules of finite index of anticyclotomic plus and minus Selmer groups of elliptic curves (with
Antonio Lei and
Stefano Vigni),
manuscripta mathematica, Vol. 167, No. 3-4 (2022), 589-612.
Comparing anticyclotomic Selmer groups of positive coranks for congruent modular forms -- Part II (with
Antonio Lei),
Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 229 (2021), 342-363.
Groups of generalized G-type and applications to torsion subgroups of rational elliptic curves over infinite extensions of Q (with
Harris B. Daniels and
Maarten Derickx),
Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2019), 22-52.
Magma Code
Comparing anticyclotomic Selmer groups of positive coranks for congruent modular forms (with
Antonio Lei),
Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 26, No. 4 (2019), 1115-1144.
Arithmetic properties of signed Selmer groups at nonordinary primes (with
Antonio Lei),
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Vol. 69, No. 3 (2019), 1259-1294.
Magma Code
Rank parity for congruent supersingular elliptic curves,
Proceedings of the AMS, Vol. 145 (2017), 3775-3786.
Modular forms of arbitrary even weight with no exceptional primes,
Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 166 (2016), 158-165.
Elliptic curves with maximally disjoint division fields (with
Harris B. Daniels and James Ricci),
Acta Arithmetica, Vol. 175, No. 3 (2016), 211-223.
Obstruction criteria for modular deformation problems,
International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2016), 273-285.
The Probability of Relatively Prime Polynomials in Zpk[x] (with
Thomas R. Hagedorn),
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2010), 223-232.
Numerical Evidence on the Uniform Distribution of Power Residues for Elliptic Curves (with Amanda Hittson),
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 3 (2009), 305-321.
[0] My PhD
thesis, University of
Massachusetts Amherst (2015)
Curriculum Vitae
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