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Brown University:

A Running Start: Mathematics, Summer '93.
The A Running Start program is a summer enrichment program for college-bound high-school students as part of the Brown University Summer Studies program. This was an intensive, three-week course where the students met for a 2½-hour lecture and discussion section in the morning and another 2- to 3-hour lab in the afternoon, five days a week. The course presented a wide range of modern topics in mathematics, including non-Euclidean geometry, fractals and chaos, the fourth-dimension, and tilings and group theory. Students were asked to do challenging homework problems that would lead into discussions the next morning, and motivate lab exercises in the afternoon. Students maintained a math "journal" that included their impressions of the class as well as any mathematical insights or questions that they developed during the course; these were reviewed regularly by the instructor. The course culminated in a final project and presentation by each student.

Duties: I had full control over the curriculum, which I developed. I wrote all the homework and lab materials, including several computer-based labs, and graded the homeworks and final projects. There was a course assistant, whom I trained to be the course instructor for the following summer.

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Created: 01 Sep 1997
Last modified: 06 Jan 2002 22:47:37
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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