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[Metallic Wave]

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Metallic Wave

This is one of a sequence of fourteen images that appeared as chapter headings and as the cover image for the textbook Statistics, the conceptual approach, by G. R. Iverson and M. Gergen (Springer-Verlag, 1997). Each chapter heading was a picture of this object from a different viewpoint.

The surface is one of a family of related parametric surfaces initially described by David Mond and Washington Marar; this one is interesting in that it is a ruled surface with a triple point, although the triple intersection is not visible in this view.

The publishers requested this sequence from Tom Banchoff and me after seeing the image "Triple-Point Twist" that is part of our virtual art gallery ``Surfaces Beyond the Third Dimension'' [Link], which features this surface. One of the animations at that site shows a series of views of this object rotating in space, and the publishers picked the fourteen views they most preferred from that collection.

I produced the requested images (in black-and-white) from the data originally created for "Triple-Point Twist". My role in developing that piece was to go from Tom's original request ("Find an interesting one of the Mond and Marar surfaces") to the final product. This involved looking through the dozens of families of parametric surfaces they described to find an esthetically pleasing one, and then determining the material characteristics, lighting and viewpoint that would be used in the finished image.

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Created: 08 Sep 2001
Last modified: Jan 6, 2002 10:36:20 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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