Download TeX fonts for jsMath
NOTE: This page is for jsMath version 2.4b and below. If you are being told you need a font that begins with "jsMath-" or the "jsMath TeX fonts" (rather than just the "TeX fonts"), use the page for version 3.0 and above instead.
The jsMath package is designed to work best if you have installed the TeX font set. TrueType versions of these fonts have been made available (for non-commercial use) courtesy of BaKoMa. You can download the six fonts needed for jsMath by the following link:
Note: You can also downloaded these and other TeX fonts from the CTAN archive in the form appropriate for your system. For Windows and Mac OS X, the TTF versions will work fine. There are installers on the Mozilla math fonts page (Mac users ignore the messages about bugs -- these are for the native MathML rendering, which we won't be doing -- use the link under the "TeX's computer modern" bullet item, not the installer in the sidebar at the right), or you can download the fonts from CTAN directly.For PC users: download the fonts and use the Font control panel in the Settings sub-menu of the Start menu to install them. (Someone at the University of New Hampshire has creatd detailed instructions for doing this. Thanks whoever you are!)
For Mac OS X users: download the fonts and drag them to your
folder (or to the FontBook, or just double-click them and press the "install" button).For Unix users: download an unpack the archive, then place the
files into your~/.fonts
directory. The fonts for unix users page gives some more information on how to do this, and how to make the fonts available to all users.
Once you install the fonts, be sure to restart your browser, as some browsers won't notice new fonts until the next time they are started. If you still get the missing-fonts message, check that the fonts are in the right place and start your browser again (the key font is
; this is the one jsMath looks for).If you do not have the TeX fonts installed, you can still use jsMath; it will fall back on using image versions of the TeX fonts. You can also select to use your unicode fonts to present the mathematics (see the information for jsMath users page for details). Your experience will be better if you use the TeX fonts instead of relying on the fall-back fonts, however.
Some web pages may require additional fonts. A number of other common TeX fonts are available on the extra fonts download page.