Material on this page supports the text Chaos Under Control, by David Peak ( and Michael Frame(, W. H. Freeman, 1994.
Five pieces of downloadable, executable Macintosh software.
TreenessEmerging (119K) - iterated function systems, deterministic and random algorithms, chaos game
TreenessEmerging Instructions
IterateAgainSam (114K) - one-dimensional dynamics, graphical iteration, histograms, time series, and bifurcation diagrams
IterateAgainSam Instructions
DesperatelySeekingChaos (117K) - data analysis by driven IFS, near returns, Kelly plots, and music.
DesperatelySeekingChaos Instructions
WaitingForMandelbrot (108K) - Mandelbrot and Julia sets
WaitingForMandelbrot Instructions
Cellabration (123K) - one- and two-dimensional cellular automata
Cellabration Instructions
Four Course syllabi we have used.
Six Labs exploring natural fractals, iterated function systems, dimension computations, one-dimensional dynamics, fractal analysis of data, and cellular automata.
A collection of Exercises and selected solutions
Movies to illustrate some fractal constructions.
Two sample student projects
A small collection of links