Placement Exam Instructions

You have 40 minutes to answer 18 questions. The questions are multiple choice; you indicate your choice by clicking on the check-box to the immediate left of or just below the answer you wish to select.

Each problem is on a separate screen. You can move to the next problem using the "Next Problem" button near the bottom of the screen. You can go back to an earlier problem (or skip ahead to a later problem) by selecting one of the problem-number buttons at the right of the page.

You need not give an answer to every question. Your score will be the number you get right minus one quarter of the number that you get wrong, so it is not always to your advantage to guess. If you can eliminate one or more answers, however, guessing may improve your score.

Your answer to each problem is shown next to the problem number at the right of the screen. The current problem is marked by "<<". If you have selected an answer for the current problem but would prefer to leave the question blank, use the "Erase Answer" button at the lower left of the page. Whenever you move to a different problem (or turn in the exam), your answer for the current problem is recorded.

When you have completed the exam, you should press the "Turn in Exam" button near the bottom right of the page. If your time runs out, the exam will be turned in automatically for you when you move to the next page, but you should not leave the exam without seeing a page that tells you your exam is over. You should do the whole exam in one sitting, as you will not be able to restart it later.

You should complete this exam without reference to notes, books, or other resources. You should not use a calculator (one will not be necessary), but may use scrap paper to do calculations if you wish.

If you lose your connection to the internet during your exam, you should be able to continue working on the exam after you reconnect, provided you do so within the time period of your exam. If you don't close your browser window, you should be able to continue right where you left off; otherwise, you will need to go through the questionnaire again.

Please contact if you experience technical difficulties.