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UMTYMP Calc III, 1994-95, Student Reviews:

The Teacher:

                               Strongly                         Strongly
                                Agree   Agree  Neutral Disagree Disagree
                                -----   -----  ------- -------- --------

Presented the subject             9       8       -        -       -
matter clearly

Had a positive attitude and      12       5       -        -       -
was supporitve of my efforts

Increased my interest in math     7      10       -        -       -

Was an effective instructor      13       4       -        -       -

Interacted well with students    12       4       -        -       -

I would recommend this           14       2       -        -       -
instructors to other students

                               Exceptional    Satisfactory      Very Poor
                                -----   -----  ------- -------- --------

How would you rate the           10       7       -        -       -
instructor's overall teaching?

How would you rate the           13       4       -        -       -
instructor's knowlege of the
subject matter?

How would you rate the           13       4       -        -       -
instructor's respect and
concern for the students?

The Class:

                               Strongly                         Strongly
                                Agree   Agree  Neutral Disagree Disagree
                                -----   -----  ------- -------- --------

The classroom atmosphere was a    8       7       1        -       -
positive learning environment

Time spent using the technology   7       7       1        1       -
was worthwhile

Using the technology lead to a    7       7       1        -       1
better understanding of the
subject matter

Time spent working in groups      3      10       2        -       -
was worthwhile

Working in small groups lead to   3       8       4        1       -
understanding of the subject


The homework reinforced           5      10       1        -       -
understanding of the subject

The mastery problems were        11       5       -        -       -

The amount of homework was        5      11       -        -       -
appropriate for the course

The tests were good measures      5       9       1        1       -
of my knowledge and understanding

The tests were clearly worded     6       7       3        -       -

The tests were appropriate        6       9       1        -       -
in length

Course in General:

                              Very Much  Much  Fair  Little  Very Little
                                ------  -----  ----  ------   --------

How much would you say you        10      6     -       -         -
learned from this course?

How much did the classroom         6      8     8       -         -
activities contribute to your
overall learning?

                               Exceptional    Satisfactory      Very Poor
                                -----   -----  ------- -------- --------

The course overall was            8       8      -        -        -

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Created: 01 Sep 1997
Last modified: 06 Jan 2002 22:57:54
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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