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[A Rotation of Cubes]

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A Rotation of Cubes

This is one of two new pieces commissioned by José Fransisco Rodrigues for "Para Além da Terceira Dimensão". It incorporates the color scheme of the "Z-Squared Necklace" and reflects its layout, so as to complement the artwork already in the exhibit. Here we see views of rotations of the cube and hypercube. The grey planes show 2-dimensional shadows of a 3-dimensional cube as seen from five different viewpoints. Above each is the corresponding 3-dimensional shadow of a hypercube viewed from the analogous point in four-space.

More description, including movie sequences, is available from the exhibit's web site [Link], and on the CD that is part of the gallery book. The cover is reproduced here [Link]. The materials that appear there are based on ones developed for my Math 53 course in the spring of 2000, and were updated for this exhibit. In turn, they were further refined for Math 53 in the spring of 2001; you can view the results in the "Selected Course Notes" section of the web site for that course.

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Created: 08 Sep 2001
Last modified: Jan 6, 2002 11:24:00 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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