Interactive Models of 4D Objects

The following images link to interactive models of some of the four-dimensional objects we've studied. To use the interactive versions, your browser must support WebGL, and you must have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Check if your browser has these things enabled.

On each othe linked pages there will be a large image, which is a 3D version of the object. You can rotate it by clicking in on the picture and dragging your mouse to a new location. The following keyboard shortcuts can be used in the 3D viewer:

Stereographic and Orthographic Projections

Orthographic Projection of the Hypercube Corner-First

Orthographic Projection of the Hypercube Edge-First

The Hypercube as Linked Cubes

Stereographic Projection of the Hypercube Cube-First

Stereographic Projection of the Hypercube Square-First

Sterographic Projection of the Hypercube Edge-First

Slicing the Hypercube Cube-First (Shown in Corner-First Projection)

Slicing the Hypercube Square-First (Shown in Corner-First Projection)

Slicing the Hypercube Edge-First (Shown in Corner-First Projection)

Slicing the Hypercube Edge-First (Shown in Edge-First Projection)

Slicing the Hypercube Corner-First (Shown in Corner-First Projection)

Unfolded Tetrahedral Hyperprism (Unfolded around a Tetrahedron)

Unfolded Tetrahedral Hyperprism (Unfolded around a Triangular Prism)

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