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Attendance Policy:

Because of the potential need for contact tracing should one of your classmates test positive for COVID, I will be taking attendance each class, and we will be using a fixed seating plan for the term; the seat you are in now is the seat you will have for the term. Should you feel the need to have your seat changed, please see me and we can make arrangements for that.

It is to your advantage to participate in all the classes. If you miss a class, you still are responsible for the material covered that day, including such things as homework assignments and changes in schedules. Homework assignments will be posted to the web on the Nexus course site. You may also find the course calendar to be helpful. If you are absent from class on a day that I return homework, a quiz, or an exam, you will need to come to my office to pick yours up, as I only bring them to class once.

There will be no make-ups for missed assignments, with the possible exception of those missed due to quarantine (see the COVID policy for details). If you are going to miss a class when an assignment is due and still wish to turn it in, you should make arrangements for someone to drop off your solutions for you, either during class, or at my office or mailbox prior to class, or send a PDF scan of it to me via email before class. Late work will count as a zero, in general. I will drop one homework grade at the end of the term; this is so that in case you are sick or have an away game, or need to miss class for some other reason, you will be able to do so.

Midterm exams can be taken early only under unusual circumstances (as determined by the instructor), and only by arranging a time with the instructor at least one week in advance of the date of the exam. The final exam can not be rescheduled, in general.

Note that excessive absences will affect your final grade. For most students, more than 1 or 2 absences would be unusual, and I would be concerned if you had as many as 4 or 5 (five absences is already one sixth of the course), other than for a quarantine.

When you arrive at class, I expect that you will be polite and courteous to your fellow classmembers. This means, among other things, that you should turn off your cell phones before class begins, and that you should not get up and wander in and out of the classroom. Certainly if you are feeling ill or are in desperate need of the bathroom, you should feel free to leave the room, but this should not be a regular occurrance. In general, you should be able to spend the complete class period in the classroom. It is disruptive to me and to the class as a whole when someone interrupts the class to leave. I trust this will be kept to a minimum. Finally, it means that you should be properly masked in class, and should not remove your mask in order to eat or drink; be sure to hydrate before coming to class.

[HOME] Math 127 (Fall 2021) web pages
Created: 12 Sep 2021
Last modified: 12 Sep 2021 08:01:00
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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