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Grade Meanings:

The following paragraphs describe the grading criterion that will be used in this course. Pluses and minuses will be used within a letter grade to distinguish the better performances from the weaker ones.


Fully understands the material covered in class and in the homework; can extend ideas to new situations and more complex problems; frequently is successful in combining techniques to solve problems not demonstrated in class; often exceeds the professor's expectations for the class as a whole; work is of a consistently high quality throughout the term.


Understands most material presented in class and in the homework; correctly applies formulas and procedures to problems similar to those demonstrated in class and in the homework; often successful in combining techniques to solve problems not demonstrated in class; fully meets the professor's expectations of the class as a whole; work is of moderate to high quality.


Understands much of the material presented in class, but is weak in some areas; can solve most problems similar to those done in class and in homework; sometimes applies important ideas incorrectly or incompletely; needs much more practice in some areas for full proficiency in the material; does not fully meet expectations in some areas; quality of work is moderate or inconsistent, and is likely to have worsened over the term.


Has serious difficulty with much of the material from class and the homework; consistently misapplies procedures or fails to complete the solutions to problems, even those that are similar to the ones covered in class and on homework; fails to meet expectations in several areas; quality of work is inconsistent or consistently poor.

Generally, I try to produce assignments where the grade ranges are approximately 85 to 100% for an A, 70 to 85% for a B, and 55 to 70% for a C, though this varies from assignment to assignment and from class to class.

To obtain an A in this course, you will need to be able to do nearly all the WeBWorK problems, and make significant progress on most of the problems on the quizzes and exams.

To obtain a B in this course, you will be able to complete most of the WeBWorK problems, and you need to be able to make some progress on most of the quiz problems, but you may not be able to complete some of them. You should be able to make significant progress on all but the hardest exam problems.

To obtain a C in the course, you will not be able to finish many of the WeBWorK problem sets, and you may not be able to do a significant number of the quiz questions. You will need to successfully complete at least some problems on the exams, though you may not be able to do others at all.

To obtain a D or F, you will be unable to complete most problems on the exams, and will make serious errors on quizzes as well. You may have trouble completing even the WeBWorK problems. If you are not able to do at least one or two of the computational problems completely and correctly on the final exam, you will not pass the course. Turning in problems late (or not at all) and excessive absences from class also can result in these grades.

[HOME] Math 110 (Fall 2021) web pages
Created: 11 Sep 2021
Last modified: 11 Sep 2021 00:00:00
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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