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COVID Policy:

In-person classes in the tome of COVID require some restrictions that you might not be used to, but that are important to help keep us all safe. The first of these is the mask requirement. You must wear a mask at all timers while in class, and it mist cover both your mouth and your nose. You should not remove the mask during class, and that includes for eating or drinking. For that reason, food and drink are not permitted, so be sure to hydrate before you come to class.

In order to facilitate potential contact tracing in the event that one of our classmembers becomes ill, we will be using a fixed seating arrangement this term. That means you will be asked to sit in the same seat every day, so be sure that you are happy with the one you chose today. I will be recording your location so that I can use it to take attendence and retain the required information about your positions relative to your neighbors. If you decide later in the term that you need to move, let me know and we can work out a new location, if one is available.

During each class this term, we will have a designated note taker. That person will take notes during the class that will be made available to the rest of the class, so that others who wish to can pay closer attention to the class presentation without having to worry about keeping up with their notes. It also means that if someone is in quarantine, they will be able to get the notes from the class and stay current with the material. There is a section of the Nexus site where the note taker will be able to post a copy of their notes (either a scan or photograph of each page) so that everyone in the class can use them.

Everyone in the class should take notes at least once during the term. I will ask for a volunteer at the beginning of the class, but will assign the task if it turns out that aren't enough volunteers. Part of your participation grade will be based on your participation as a note taker.

Finally, if you are quarantined during a quiz or exam, I will make the test available to you via email at the time the class is taking it. You will have the usual amount of time to do the quiz or exam, and will write up your answers and then scan or photograph them and send them to me by return email. You will have 10 minutes extra to get the images together and sent to me. Should you be quarantined, I will send you more detailed instructions on how to do that, and ask you to perform a practice run to make sure you know how to do it before taking the quiz or exam.

[HOME] Math 110 (Fall 2021) web pages
Created: 11 Sep 2021
Last modified: 12 Sep 2021 at 11:20 AM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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