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Homework Policy:

Problems will be assigned and posted to the Nexus site during the afternoon after most classes. I expect to collect several of these each week (and this may occur even in weeks that you have quizzes or exams); the assignment will list which ones need to be turned in. Homework problems are due the class after they are assigned.

Our homework will be written using a mark-up language called LaTeX, which is the standard used for most academic papers in mathematics and the sciences. Although it will be a new experience for you, it is well worth learning this typesetting language, and students in the past have been glad that they did. Your experience her will make it easier to write a thesis, for example, or a research paper in any STEM subject.

The Overleaf website provides a nice on-line editor for LaTeX (much easier than installing your own copy of the program, which is quite large). Union has a site license to use Overleaf (and they also offer free accounts, so you can continue to use it after you graduate). I will include some instruction on how to use LaTeX as we go along, and will provide your homework assignments in LaTeX form so that you can have a starting place for your responses. This will help you learn LaTeX, as you can see how to obtain the various symbols that we will use, as well as some of the formatting commands. It takes a little getting used to, but the results are very high-quality mathematical typesetting.

Once you have your solution properly typeset, you will need to download the source and PDF versions of your files and upload them to the Nexus site. I would like you to submit both the LaTeX source file (ending in .tex) and the PDF output. There are several ways you can do this, but perhaps the easiest is to open your project and use the "Overleaf Menu" at the upper right. This will open a sidebar that has two download icons at the top, one for the original source, and one for the PDF. Download them both and submit them to Nexus.

If an assignment does not require the use of LaTeX, you should follow the rules outlined in the Quiz and Exam policy for how to create single (multi-page) PDF files of your work for upload to the Nexus site.

You may work together with others on these homework problems, but you should cite those you work with, and should write up your final solutions on your own (see the Honor Code policy for details).

I will also assign problems that are not collected. This does not mean that they are optional. You will not be successful in this class if you do not do the homework. These problems represent crucial practice in the techniques that we develop in class. If you do not do them, you will not have the experience you need to answer the questions on the exams. If you are unable to do one of these problems on your own, be sure to ask about it in class. I will assume you know how to do these problems unless you say otherwise.

[HOME] Math 199 (Fall 2020) web pages
Created: 02 Sep 2020
Last modified: 2 Sep 2020 at 5:23 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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