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Quiz and Exam Policy:

Because we are working on line this term, both sections will be taking quizzes and exams at the same time, and this will be during the evening (I will compensate you for this time by letting you out of class early on the quiz days or the class day after an exam). See the course calendar for the dates of quzzes and exams. The evening period gives more flexibility for extra time, if needed, and provides better opportunities to handle those with special needs. Students in the past have found the evening exams to be preferable to in-class ones.

Each quiz or exam will be made available via our Nexus site, and you will be able to download it from there at the time the quiz or exam begins. You will submit your work via Nexus as well, once you have completed it, in the format described in the next paragraph. We will be taking the quizzes and exams from the course Zoom Room so that you can ask any questions you may have, and so that I can provide clarification to the whole class if there are any corrections to be made. That should be the most efficient way to handle getting you any updates in a timely fashion.

Your solutions will need to be submitted in a single PDF file (possibly multi-page). If you have a printer and scanner, you should be able to print the quiz or exam and scan your results for submission. If you don't have a printer or scanner, you can use a plain piece of paper for your answers, and can use the free Genius Scan program (for iPhone or Android) to make multi-page PDF files from photos of your work. Please be sure that the results are in focus, well lighted, and easily legible.

One of your first homework assignment be to test-run this process. This will walk you through the process so that you have practiced it once before our first quiz.

Part of your responsibility as a student is to begin to organize the material for yourself. For example, at this point in your educational career, you should be able to recognize which ideas are the most important, and should be able to summarize those. As part of this responsibility, I recommend that you generate a review sheet for yourself before each quiz or exam. This should be a one (or sometimes two) page summary of the most important ideas to be covered on the quiz, organized in some meaningful way (depending on the content). You should not rely on me to provide these for you (I will not be handing any out).

The questions on quizzes and exams will be similar to the homework problems, but will not be identical to them. That is, they will not simply be the same problems you have already seen but with the numbers changed. You may be asked to combine ideas from class to solve a problem that you have never seen before. See the course philosophy for information about why this is the case.

You should write in complete, English sentences when you write up your solutions. Since mathematical notation is shorthand for English words, you can incorporate equations into your sentences, but you must explain why you are doing what you do. (See the writing samples for examples of what this means.) Many students feel at first that this is extraneous, but it is precisely this that should be central to your learning process. See the course philosophy and the last paragraph of the course responsibilities statement for more details on why this is important.

Copies of the best solutions will be made available on our Nexus web site, as will any solution that I write up myself. If I circle a problem number in red on an assignment that you turn in, that means I have made a copy of your answer and placed it in that collection (this is just for your information). See the discussion about solutions for more information.

See the discussion of the grading policy for the percentage of your grade that will come from your quizzes, and for policy on missed and dropped quizzes. If you have a conflict with one of the quiz or homework times, please let me know that as soon as possible.

If you have a learning disability for which you should receive extra time on quizzes, you must inform me of this by Monday of the second week of class (since the first quiz will be on the next Wednesday), and make arragements for how we will accommodate your condition.

[HOME] Math 100 (Fall 2020) web pages
Created: 01 Sep 2020
Last modified: 2 Sep 2020 at 2:29 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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