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Homework Policy:

Problems will be assigned and posted to the assignments page during the afternoon after most classes. I expect to collect several of these each week (and this may occur even in weeks that you have quizzes or exams); the assignment will list which ones. Homework problems are due the class after they are assigned, and you should use the following guidelines for the homework that you turn in:

  • Please staple your pages together, and trim the left edge if they are torn out of a spiral notebook. Unstapled or ragged pages will not be graded.
  • Your solutions are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late papers will not be graded.
  • Please print on only one side of the paper, clearly and legibly.
  • Please leave some space in the margins or between problems for my comments. Begin each problem on a new page, unless both fit comfortably and completey on the same page.
  • Do not use graph paper except for graphs. Use lined paper for written work.

You may work together with others on these homework problems, but you should cite those you work with, and should write up your final solutions on your own (see the Honor Code policy for details).

I will also assign problems that are not collected. This does not mean that they are optional. You will not be successful in this class if you do not do the homework. These problems represent crucial practice in the techniques that we develop in class. If you do not do them, you will not have the experience you need to answer the questions on the exams. If you are unable to do one of these problems on your own, be sure to ask about it in class. I will assume you know how to do these problems unless you say otherwise.

[HOME] Math 199 (Fall 2019) web pages
Created: 09 Sep 2019
Last modified: 9 Sep 2019 at 7:48 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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