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Homework on 2 October 2019:

[Not to be turned in]

  1. Consider the proposition: $(\forall x\in\R)(\exists y\in\R)(xy=1)$.
    1. What is the negation of this statement?
    2. Translate both statements into words.
    3. One of the statements must be true; which is it? Prove it.
  2. Consider the proposition: $(\exists x\in\R)(\forall y\in\R)(xy=y)$.
    1. What is the negation of this statement?
    2. Translate both statements into words.
    3. One of the statements must be true; which is it? Prove it.
  3. Consider the proposition: $(\forall x\in\R)(\exists y\in\R)(x=y^2)$.
    1. What is the negation of this statement?
    2. Translate both statements into words.
    3. One of the statements must be true; which is it? Prove it.

[HOME] Math 199 (Fall 2019) web pages
Created: 2 Oct 2019
Last modified: 2 Oct 2019 at 6:49 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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