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Homework on 4 November 2013:

[To be turned in on Wednesday]

  1. Consider the function $f\colon\R^2\to\R$ by $f(x,y)=9x^2y+2y^3-18y$.
    1. Locate all the critical points for $f$.
    2. Use the 2nd derivative test to determine the type of each of the critical points.
  2. Consider the function $f(x,y)=4xy^2-x^3$.
    1. Show that the only critical point for this function is at the origin.
    2. What does the 2nd derivative test tell you about this critical point?
    3. What type of critical point do you think this is?

[HOME] Math 115H (Fall 2013) web pages
Created: 4 Nov 2013
Last modified: Nov 4, 2013 1:39:29 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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