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Homework on 16 September 2013:

[To be turned in on Wednesday]
  1. Write each of the following systems of equations as a single function (using the full function notation we developed in class). For each, indicate the spaces (i.e., the $\R^n$) where you would find the level sets, image, and graph of your function.

    a.$\displaystyle w = {x + y \over z}$
    b.$y = x\tan x$
    c. $\begin{aligned} x &= \cos u \cos v\\ y &= \cos u \sin v\\ z &= \sin u \end{aligned}$
    d. $\begin{aligned} x &= \sin\theta-\cos\theta\\ y &= \cos2\theta\\ \end{aligned}$
    e. $\begin{aligned} x &= u + 2v\\ y &= -u^2\\ \end{aligned}$

  2. Let $f\colon\R^2\to\R$ be defined by $f(x,y)=\ln\big(x(y-x^2)\big)$. Determine the natural domain for $f$ and sketch it. Be sure to explain your reasoning.

[HOME] Math 115 (Fall 2013) web pages
Created: 16 Sep 2013
Last modified: Sep 19, 2013 8:54:00 AM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
[Up] Assignments