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Homework Policy:

Your homework will be of two types this term: electronic homework problems using the WeBWorK system, and written homework problems. WeBWorK problems will be assigned on Friday and due the following Wednesday. Written homework may is due every other Wednesday (with a quiz or exam during the intervening Wednesday) and is generally assigned on the preceding Monday. Note that this means that both WeBWorK and written homework are due the same day. See the WeBWorK page for details on those problems.

The hand-in homework will consist of two or three problems that you write up and hand in at the next class. You should use the following guidelines for the material that you turn in:

  • Please staple your pages together, and trim the left edge if they are torn out of a spiral notebook. Unstapled or ragged pages will not be graded.
  • Your solutions are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late papers will not be graded.
  • Please print on only one side of the paper, clearly and legibly.
  • Please leave some space in the margins or between problems for my comments. Begin each problem on a new page, unless both fit comfortably and completey on the same page.
  • Do not use graph paper except for graphs. Use lined paper for written work.
  • Fully explain your work. That includes computations and diagrams.

You should write in complete, English sentences when you write up your solutions; since mathematical notation is shorthand for English words, you can incorporate equations into your sentences, but you must explain why you are doing what you do. (See the writing samples for examples of what this means.) Many students feel at first that this is extraneous, but it is precisely this that should be central to your learning process. See the course philosophy and the last paragraph of the course responsibilities statement for more details on why this is important.

Copies of the best solutions will be made available in a notebook outside my office, as will any solution that I write up myself. If I circle a problem number in red on an assignment that you turn in, that means I have made a copy of your answer and placed it in this notebook (this is just for your information). See the discussion of the course notebook for more information.

While you may work with other students on homework problems, you must cite the students involved and briefly explain the role each played in doing the homework, and you must each write up your final results independently. See the Honor Code policy for more details.

See the discussion of the grading policy for the percentage of your grade that will come from your homework, and for policy on missed and dropped assignments.

See the study suggestions for some helpful hints on homework.

[HOME] Math 115 (Fall 2012) web pages
Created: 03 Sep 2012
Last modified: Sep 3, 2012 11:31:29 AM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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