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Course Responsibilities:

As with all upper-level mathematics courses, your responsibilities in this course include the following:

You should come to each class prepared and ready to participate. Whether you enjoy the class or not depends much more on what you bring to it than on what I do. For example, you should think about the material in between classes, even if there is no specific assignment due. If you did not fully understand the details in class (and no one does), you have an obligation to look over that material again on your own before the next class. Certainly in the few minutes when you are waiting for us to begin, you should look back to see where we left off; that way you don't waste the first ten minutes of the lecture trying to remember what we are talking about. The course will be much more rewarding, and you will get much more out of it, that way. Remember that you control whether you enjoy it or not.

[HOME] Math 448 (Winter 2007) web pages
Created: 01 Jan 2007
Last modified: Jan 2, 2007 2:25:31 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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