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Quiz # 1 Review Sheet:

The quiz on Monday will consist of definitions, and will be brief. Your wording on a definition must be precise, and you will be required to give both a symbolic form and a verbal interpretation of the symbols. (Recall that an interpretation is a conceptual translation, not a symbol-by-symbol transliteration.) You may be asked to produce examples or verify that something satisfies the requirements of a definition. The ideas you should know include:

A\subseteq B, A=B
A\cup B, A\cap B, A-B
A\times B
P\iff Q
Contrapositive, Converse, Inverse
Negations of \vee, \wedge, \forall, \exists, \implies
x is rational
The sets {\bf N}, {\bf Z}, {\bf Q}, {\bf R}, \emptyset

[HOME] Math 99 (Winter 2005) web pages
Created: 01 Feb 2005
Last modified: 06 Feb 2005 15:07:09
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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