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Notebook Policy:

I will place a notebook on the table outside my office that contains information pertinent to this course. This will include copies of hand-outs, homework assignments, examples, etc. that we use during the class. If you take the last copy of a handout, please let me know so that I can make more copies available.

In addition, I will put copies of the best solutions to written homework assignments into this notebook, for your reference. You can use this to see what I consider to be good writing and good thinking, and may want to take advantage of this if you are having trouble with the assignments.

Please be considerate about this notebook. In a recent term, someone stole the notebook during exam week, and that disturbs me greatly. It is there for everyone, and is supposed to be a resource for the class. If similar problems occur this term, I will simply stop making the notebook available. Don't spoil it for everyone.

You should not remove the notebook from my office for any reason. Some students want to take the notebook in order to photocopy it for their records, but you should not do this. This is not the purpose for the book. It is far better for you to read the material in the book and to take notes based on that. The act of interpreting the material and selecting the important parts is a crucial one in the learning process. If you simply copy the pages and stick them into your notebook, you are unlikely to really use them later. Even if you do read through them, the effect is not nearly the same as writing out the important parts yourself.

[HOME] FPR 10 (Winter 2003) web pages
Created: 31 Dec 2002
Last modified: Jan 5, 2003 5:02:32 PM
Comments to: dpvc@union.edu
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