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Math 99 Grading Policy:

Your grade for the course will be computed from your scores on the weekly problem sets, the two quizzes, the midterm exam, the final, and class participation.

See the problem set policy page for the more about the problem sets, and see the course calendar for the schedule of the quizzes, exams, and problem set due-dates. See the registrar's schedule for the time and location of the final exam.

The components have the following weights:

Problem Sets 35 %
Quizzes 5 %
Midterm Exam 20 %
Final Exam 35 %
Class Participation 5 %
A late or missing assignment will count as a zero. There will be no makeup exams except under truely exceptional circumstances, and then only with a written excuse from an appropriate authority.

The department has a policy of not giving final exams early, regardless of the reason. Recently, many math finals have been scheduled on the last day of exams and you should make travel plans accordingly.

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Created: Mar 25 1997 --- Last modified: Mon Mar 31 10:26:41 1997